Controls: W/A to move Forward/Backwards

A/D to rotate Left/Right

Objective: Eat green food pellets to top up your health. Baby spiders move and feed on their own and will attack targets in front of you if not too hungry.

About: An entry in the GMTK Jam 2020 under the theme "Out of Control"

Taking the theme I've looked at the idea of exponential growth within a RTS style game where you are the spider mother producing eggs which spawn spiders that then produce their own eggs.  All these spiders need to feed but spiders can be cannibalistic if no other food sources or prey are nearby...

An Artist I am not but wanted to challenge myself this year and make a game 100% off my own abilities so please tolerate the dodgy 2D pixel art and bedroom folly work.  The music was create in BoscaCeoil and is just a slowed down version of 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'.

The current version has only had some of the movement mechanics tweaked and lag issues in the end game resolved since the final submission.

All art, sound, music and code created by Stuart Ralphson in the 48 hours Game Jam


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so goood but  bad simotaniously

Really enjoyed the idea! Although towards the end the performance dropped so might want to fix that in the future.

Yeah was getting to be an issue in development, dropped from the initial 240 active baby spider max to 120 but was still chugging, might have to get into ECS if I'm to go any further with this.